
Konflikt ’47

Original price was: £25,03.Current price is: £10,01.

SKU: 'OSP5682 Category: Tag:



Atomic testing at Los Alamos opens a rift in the fabric of space, while the detonation of the Fat Boy atomic bomb over Dresden creates a second. German and American scientists determine that signals are being transmitted through the rifts, many indecipherable, but some containing revolutionary scientific and technological theorems. Desperate for any military advantage, Germany and the US swiftly apply these discoveries to their war efforts, and incredible new weapons begin to appear on the battlefield. Angered by America’s refusal to share the secrets of Rift-tech, Stalin declares war on the US and Britain, and the Allies are fractured.


World War II has entered a completely new phase. Power-armoured infantry armed with personal wonder-weapons follow super-heavy tanks and mechanised walkers into battle, smashing defences with colossal firepower, while genetic monstrosities are sent out to hunt and terrorise enemy forces. This is the new nature of war. This is Konflikt ’47.


With rules inspired by the award-winning Bolt Action system, this standalone game takes World War II to a completely new level, and offers everything required to harness the incredible weapons and technologies made possible by the rift signals, and to engage in tabletop battles for supremacy and survival.


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Science Fiction
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Board Game Categories:
World War II
Tabletop Gaming Stock
Konflikt ’47


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