This book comes with a free PDF version courtesy of the publisher in conjunction with the “Bits ‘n’ Mortar” scheme. A link from which the PDF can be downloaded will be emailed to the address you enter at the checkout once we have confirmed payment, which will normally be within 2 working days* of receipt of orders for products that are currently in stock. (*not including Sundays or UK national holidays). PLEASE NOTE – you will need to enter a valid email address at checkout in order to receive the PDF.’One hundred years ago no one had even heard of aliens. Then the sightings began ‘ uncanny lights by the Snow-Layer, anomalies on our radar, strange reports from lone farmers or the pithecines in the backwoods. Some people thought it was the brave explorers of legend, returned from fabled Homeworld to help us in our hour of need; others thought it was the precursor to an invasion by an alien race, with designs on the fertile lands of our cratered home.
‘Twenty years ago they announced themselves ‘ and it was both. The Homeworlders had come, in force, and were nothing like our myths foretold. Heedless of our ways, they swept in like a whirlwind, and it seemed there was nothing we could do to stop them.
‘They called themselves The Commonality…’
The world of Olkennedy is on the brink of civil war. Deadly factions with nefarious agendas conspire for power in a society reeling from culture shock, and your characters are the only thing holding back a bloody conflict which will tear the planet apart!
Hearts and Minds includes:
– A whole rediscovered world ‘ maps, biosphere, civilisation, and society;
– A thrilling multi-session scenario of conflict, investigation, and intrigue against the backdrop of developing civil war;
– Details of Commonality factions;
– Guidelines for convention and one-shot play;
– An action-packed scenario for Mindjammer ‘ The Roleplaying Game. The Mindjammer ‘ The Roleplaying Game core book is required for play.
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